Chapter Five
"...I cannot hold my peace, because you have heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war" While I was ministering with a fellowship one weekend, the pastor shared with Sue and I a dilemma in which he found himself. For about nine months his fellowship had run an entertainment club to make contact with local teenagers. Rock music was part of the drawcard. Over the months, a few contacts had been made, but there had been little fruit. He asked for our thoughts. We told him that it was good that he was wanting to reach out, but the real question was, what is God's attitude to the use of heavy rock music to draw young people to Christ? Does the end justify the means? Could we justify the use of alcoholic beverages as a means of reaching out to the ungodly -- how do we reach out to the world? I recalled how, a few days earlier, Sue and I had witnessed to a number of teenagers. They said they hated God. Their language was filthy. One hated his father and longed to kill him, while another had a genuine desire to murder someone &omeone "slowly." The pastor in whose home we were staying added to my disquiet by telling us that his counter-culture neighbors had named their child "Lucifer." I was grieved at such a thought. How lost, how rebellious could a generation get! I began crying out to God, asking how this generation could be reached, when a still small voice said, "Go next door and befriend them." I said, "No Lord...You're not capturing the spirit of my prayer!" The voice became stronger. After a little coaxing from the Lord, I went next door, but took a copy of my first book, My Friends are Dying, (a book about the drug culture), to give to them. As I walked up the driveway, suddenly I heard, "Ray!" There stood a long-haired man I had never seen before, holding a bottle of beer and pointing his finger at me. He said, "Ray...I just finished reading your book, My Friends are Dying three days ago!" I was duly invited into the home and introduced to a number of residents. I ton that filthy, smoke-infested, stinking room, surrounded by drugs, alcohol and blaring music, it dawned on me that if we cared, we would push aside our fears and boldly befriend this lost generation. Holiness is not separation from sinners, but from sin. I made five friends that afternoon, and I didn't have to attract them, they attracted me. Like Jesus, we should be the friend of sinners, yet remain untainted by the things of this world. Without Reserve If there is one thing the Salvation Army had under the leadership of General Booth, it was a burning zeal for holiness and for evangelism. They would stop at nothing to take the Gospel to the lost. Some of their ways may even have seemed rather radical and unorthodox, yet God anointed their endeavors because their passion for souls was seasoned with holiness. Holiness is a word the enemy fears because it goes hand in hand with the word "power." Jesus was "declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of Holiness..." Holiness signifies "(a) separation to God, (b) the resultant state, the conduct befitting those so separated" (Vine's Expository Dictionary). This was the message preached by those early soldiers. They preached the great truth "without holiness, no man shall see the Lord." They proclaimed the uncompromising Gospel which declares, "Let everyone who names the name of Christ, depart from iniquity." Look at what happened to the tribe of Ephraim when they lacked holiness -- "The children of Ephraim, being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. They did not keep the covenant of God; they refused to walk in His Law, and forgot His works and His wonders that He had shown them." To walk in His Law means to walk in the steps of Jesus, and walk in that same Spirit of holiness. The Apostle Paul had a zeal that drove him to witness of his faith in Christ, even while in bonds. Can you imagine the boldness needed to witness to Roman guards, men who were hardened to cruelty? Yet Paul asked, "Pray for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the Gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak." Instead of the attitude, "Oh no, here I am chained to two guards," his was, "Thank you Lord, I have two guards chained to me!" He looked for an opportunity to witness of his faith, because the zeal of God's house had eaten him up. He could not but speak that which he had seen and heard! Paul's zeal, his enthusiasm for the Kingdom of God, remained steadfast because it was fed by the Spirit of holiness. He was separated from the world to the God of holiness. This is the difference between the contemporary church and the fiery and militant army of the Church of the book of Acts. The tanks of evangelism of the army of God have become rusted to a standstill by the influence of the world. What is needed is an unprecedented outpouring of the oil of God's Holy Spirit to get mobile and into action, and that power will come when the Church becomes holy. God wants those who will give their all to Him, without restraint! When God spoke to Gideon regarding his army to fight the Midianites, He said, "Now therefore, proclaim in the hearing of the people, saying, `Whoever is fearful and afraid, let him turn and depart at once from Mount Gilead.'" Then 22,000 of the people returned, and 10,000 remained. God wants dead men in His army! He wants those who are not afraid because they are already dead to themselves and alive to God. They are the ones who overcome the devil, because they "love not their lives unto death." They are already crucified with Christ. They are not conformed to the world because they have presented their bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God...their reasonable service. George Mueller said,
Caleb was another who had given all to the Lord. He knew that there was no place for retirement this side of Heaven. At the age of 85 he said, "As yet I am as strong this day as I was on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in." Faith does not wrinkle with the skin. Look at his words of faith, "Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day; for you heard in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fortified. It may be that the Lord will be with me, and I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said." Remember, he was 85 years old! I remember a 65 year old believer telling me that he expected to "take it easy" as a Christian when he retired. Shortly after his day of retirement, he was in a prayer meeting with three other Christians. There was a word from God through the gifts and an interpretation, the thrust of which was, "My child, this is not a day of retirement. I have work for you to do. I will guide and direct you as to the path which you are to take." Then there were some words of a personal nature which needed attention. The incredible thing was that those with him never heard the interpretation. They heard the message, but felt things were out of order when nobody interpreted. God blocked their ears! Two years later, this same elderly saint made an 80-mile train trip to visit and pray for a woman in her nineties. He had been requested by the family to make the trip, and as he journeyed, he kept thinking, "What a long way to travel just to pray for one old lady. I wonder if it is worth it?" On arrival, he was ushered into the elderly woman's room. She lay motionless in a coma. He was left alone to pray. Suddenly, God began to speak through the mouth of that unconscious woman. The conversation started with the words, "As I was saying..." It was as though there was no time between the previous conversation two years earlier! There is no such thing as an honorable discharge in the Army of God. The only "Heavenly-rest" is our promotion to Headquarters, and until that time, we must work while we have opportunity and the inclination. There is a time to rest, but there is a special rest for those who give all to the Lord. We enter that rest the moment we lay down our self-will and sanctify ourselves wholly for His purposes. Equipped For Battle If there is one thing that equips the Christian for battle, it is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The saints of last century called it "the second blessing." How the enemy fears this experience. It can take the cringing, faint-hearted, fearful, nerve-ridden, terror-stricken Christian, and fill him with fire. I knew a young man who was so shy, even as a Christian, he was afraid of his own shadow. When the "power from on high" got hold of him he was transformed completely. He went alone to take free food to a houseful of bikers, who almost everyone avoided because their very appearance was intimidating. The baptism in the Holy Spirit took Peter, from being a man who could not testify of his faith in Jesus to a little girl, to a fearless soldier of Christ who saw 3,000 saved under his bold proclamation at Pentecost. He told the murderers of the Messiah that they needed to repent. No less-welcomed message could have been preached, yet Peter was able to because he was filled to overflowing with the Spirit of God, who is a consuming fire. The question then arises, why doesn't every Christian jump at the experience? Why isn't every soldier of Christ eager to take hold of this great weapon? There are at least three reasons:
Knowledge that such an experience is scriptural should banish any hindrance. Jesus said, "And these signs will follow those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17). Such clear words as to what should follow believers, directly from the mouth of Jesus, should be enough, but the Apostle Paul, humble though he was, said, "I thank my God I speak in tongues more than you all" (1 Corinthians 14:18). If Paul boasted of such a gift, how much more do we need it? He prized his devotional, personal gift of tongues to edify (build up) himself, as opposed to the gift of tongues, given for the edification of the Church. This must be accompanied by an interpretation. The gift of tongues is foolishness to the natural mind, but those who understand the ways of God, realize that he has chosen the "foolish things to confound the wise." The second hindrance is lack of faith. Look at these words from James Chapter 1, regarding asking of God:
If we ask with any doubt, we will not receive anything from the Lord. I once prayed for a woman who insisted on shaking her head while I prayed. I placed my hand on her forehead and got her nodding in a positive gesture. It had the effect of changing her attitude from negative to positive, from doubt to faith so that she could receive from God. Another woman, as she was prayed for, mumbled, "It's so hard." We stopped praying and I offered her a can of beans, which I took from a shelf behind her. She looked at me with a puzzled expression. I told her to take it. As she took it, I said, "Was that hard? Did you screw up your face and say how hard it would be to receive it?" She got the message of the simplicity of receiving a gift from God. It is merely a matter of reaching out in child-like faith to the Lord and receiving it. Knowledge released her and she was filled with the Holy Spirit straight away. Another key to realize, is that you speak in tongues, not the Holy Spirit. He will give you the words, but you do the speaking. God will not take over your will. If you don't speak out in faith, nothing will happen. I once counselled a new Christian that I thought I might have to pray for, for a few minutes until he "came through." I closed my eyes and reached out my hand to lay hands on him but I couldn't find him. I opened my eyes and saw that he was on his knees, his hands raised to God speaking in a new language -- I didn't even get a chance to pray for him! He was filled with faith in his Heavenly Father, and the God of lightning did a quick work. The third hindrance is a lack of humility. If you have any social standing, any pride, any intelligence, you will never stoop to speak in tongues. It will be beneath your dignity. How To Be Filled If you are not filled with the Spirit, with an overflowing supernatural prayer language, what on earth are you doing in battle without standard weaponry? You need everything God is giving! Don't let the ammunition wagon pass you by, reach out and take that which is rightfully yours. The following are four principles I have found to be effective for those seeking the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (let God equip you, right now): First, sanctify yourself. Confess any known sin, especially unbelief. If you are at all fearful of the experience, this is mistrust in disguise. Imagine if I bought a gift for my son, wrapped it up, put it on the kitchen table for him to unwrap, and said, "That's all yours son, a gift for you; go ahead and unwrap it." My son looks at me with deep apprehension and says, "I'm not going to rush at this thing -- there may be a bomb in it!" Such an attitude would be a direct insult to me. If my son returns my love, such a thought wouldn't enter his mind, he would rush at it and excitedly open it. Yet, thoughts of apprehension are common when it comes to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. However, Jesus reassures us: "And I say to you, ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son shall ask for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?" (Luke 11:9-13 NKJV). Second, don't plead with God saying, "Please, please Lord." Sometimes, such words are indicative of unbelief. If I am holding out a gift to you, you don't say "Please, please," but "Thank you." Just relax and receive the present. As strange words begin to come to your mind, begin to whisper them. I say "whisper" because most people are a little self-conscious (proud), and find it difficult to speak out at first. As the words form, begin to say them a little louder. Resist any doubt as you would an adulterous thought. Say, "If Jesus said, `Ask and you shall receive,' then when I ask, I shall receive." Third, when you begin to speak in a supernatural lan- guage, reckon your carnal, natural, logical mind dead. When it tells you how stupid this whole exercise is, don't listen. The Bible says:
Paul says the carnal mind is "enmity against God" (Romans 8:7). You will know that it is the genuine thing because the carnal mind will fight it. Fourth, God deals with each of us differently. Some get filled to overflowing, some don't. He knows best. When power flows into a light bulb, it's not the noise that matters, but how much light is spread. If nothing seemed to happen, don't be at all discouraged. The woman who had an issue of blood said to herself, "If I can but touch the hem of His garment, I shall be made whole." No doubt as she tried to touch Jesus, she had to push through the crowd that surrounded Him. She may have had some deliberately hinder her. Whatever the case, her attitude was, "I'm going to touch Him, and I shall be made whole." Always remember faith is dead to doubt, deaf to discouragement, blind to the impossible, and knows nothing but success in God. Sometimes God will make us wait until we are hungry for the experience. There is not much pleasure in trying to eat a meal when you are not hungry. Have the attitude of Jacob, "I'll not let you go until you bless me." You can have confidence because you are not seeking the experience for yourself, but that you might reach this world more effectively. Always remember that evidence of being filled with the Spirit is love.The Baptism Breeds Boldness One evidence of being filled with the Spirit should be a holy boldness to stand up and do battle with the forces of darkness, In these days, the Church needs soldiers who will arise with "the word of truth, in the power of God, with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand (to attack) and for the left hand (to defend)" (2 Corinthians 6:7, Amplified Bible). In past years, we have been forced to defend in so many morally legitimate areas, but how much better it is to attack! One issue we must muster forces against is the enemy of abortion. This Goliath must be stopped! Some time ago, I was asked to address an anti-abortion group. I declined on the grounds of not being "available." The real reason I was not available was, I would have nothing to say on the subject. I felt angry and frustrated about the issue. I felt as though I was in Nazi Germany, with innocent people being slaughtered around me, and able to do so little to stop it. Forms of protest seemed so futile. In one city recently, thousands supported a pro-life rally, but the news media ignored it. No matter what wording is put on banners, they seem to lack any "punch" and picketers are often forced to walk in circles so as not to breech the unlawful assembly law. Anything I would say to this anti-abortion group would just add to their feeling of helplessness and frustration. That evening I couldn't sleep. Thoughts began forming in my mind. I remembered the movie "Exodus" in which a couple visited a museum in Hawaii where continuous movies were shown of the horrors of Nazi Germany. The museum was run by Jews who were seeking to remind the world of the horror of allowing one man supreme power. They were saying, "Lest we forget." Thirty seconds of film was worth 10 million words. I wept uncontrollably. Ephesians 5:11-13 says:
I am convinced that satan's ploy in the issue of abortion is to have people think that all that is involved is merely "fetal" tissue. I was a Christian for over five years before I had any thoughts on abortion; I was neither for or against...until I saw a picture of a bag full of dead babies -- the work of one morning in an abortion hospital. The same day I saw the picture, I had it enlarged and took it to a pro-abortion rally and tried to pin it on one of their stationary displays advocating abortion. It created fiery resistance from the enemy. I have never been the same since seeing that photo and will do all I can within the bounds of law to stop the murderous spirit which pervades through abortion. As I lay awake that night, my thoughts went back to the years when we owned a bus with Scripture written all the way around it. In my mind, I could see a large bus with large, bold signwriting around it, giving abortion statistics. Next to the signwriting, I could see very large pictures of aborted children. These pictures were coated in plastic (for protection) and framed firmly onto the side of the bus. The seats would be removed and reset around the inside of the bus. Carpet would be laid (as in our previous bus), making an excellent mobile prayer room. It could be used for counselling as well as prayer, for a mobile anti-abortion video room, for leading anti-abortion marches, as well as for transporting literature and teams of Christians. And where would we park the bus when not in use? -- right outside the abortion clinics. If the presence of the vehicle causes a disturbance, good, I want it to be a thorn in the conscience of murderers. I am angry to a point of wanting to take that Scripture which says, "Be ye angry and sin not" and crossing out the "not." As I lay there, I could imagine the impact of parking the bus in a busy shopping center, lowering a hinged platform and staging a drama where a woman enters a doctors surgery carrying a baby-like doll. She relates to the doctor that she is pregnant again and can't stand the thought of having another child. Could he "do something about it?" The doctor says, "Why not kill the one on your is easier to get at!" He takes an axe out of his drawer and proceeds to kill the baby on her lap. As he seizes one of the child's arms, she screams "murderer!" and pulls at the other arm. He raises the axe and begins hacking. No doubt such a drama would draw a crowd and would be an excellent springboard for the Gospel. I did go along to the meeting. I did share the vision of the bus, and a number of people present pledged over $4,000 towards our "Life-mobile." Sometime later, we found a bus. The owner was a Christian, sold it to us for $5,000, and threw in a check for a thousand to encourage us. It did. Getting the Point of a Tack It is time for the Church to arise in new-found courage and not only defend, but attack the enemy. I don't mean to get distracted in a tangent of social work, but to be salt and light. Salt to stop the rot, and light to show the way to the salvation of God. To stand against abortion and yet not to preach the Gospel, is to point to the wound, yet not supply the cure. The enemy knows the signs of revival. He has seen them in past centuries, therefore he will do all in his power to clothe the Church with a shroud of apathy to blind them as to what can happen when the Church is on fire. When Job found himself covered in sore boils, he had two "comforters" feed him nothing but lies. In the background waited Elihu. As he listened he said, "For I am full of the matter; the Spirit within me constrains me. Behold, my belly is like wine which has no vent. It is ready to burst, like new wine skins!" When we look at the lies being fed to the Job of this world, as it sits in despair, covered in sore boils, from the crown of its head to the sole of its foot, do we have Elihu's declaration? Is there a holy anger building within you and me as the father of lies deceives this sick world? Can we say, "For I am full of the matter"? Does the Spirit of Truth live in you; are you not filled with Him to a point where you cry, "The Spirit within me constrains me, pushes me on; the love of Christ burns within me! Behold my spirit is like wine which has no vent; it is ready to burst like new wine skins"? We cannot hold our peace! God has said,
If you are a sleeping saint, satan will gladly rock your cradle. Oh for a strong sounding trumpet blast in the ear of those who would sleep, "Awake, awake, put on strength, O Zion..." If we sleep on our own domain, it won't be long before we are asleep on enemy territory. We haven't moved, it's just that the ground we are on has become occupied! Some of our churches are so dead, the only thing keeping many awake is the sound of snoring. Would to God that more church buildings would be struck by lightning, as in England in 1984. Soldier, what are you doing for the Kingdom of God? Are you waiting for a "word from God?" Then here it is -- "Go" (Mark 16:15). What are you waiting for? Go somewhere, do something, say something to somebody, somewhere, somehow. One day you will be dead, and then it will be too late. While you can think, speak, move your hands and feet, do something for God. Are you content to sit in the barracks while the battle rages? Form a team. Get yourself a bus, write to the papers, drop tracts everywhere, speak for your God. Do something before the dust of apathy covers you. There is no neutral ground -- you are either gathering or you are scattering for the Kingdom of God. We have been given our battle orders through the Word of God! He who reads them cannot but hear the "sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war." As a 12 year old Christian, I figured out that I had sat under the sound of 1,800 sermons! That was about three a week. Work out how many sermons you have listened to, and then ask how many should you take in before you give out. How much training do we need? Many have become so fat in God they have rocked themselves to sleep trying to get out of the pews. We must run to the battle, sow seed in tears, for we have God's promise that we will doubtless reap in joy. Our aim is not to kill, but to make alive. Men have rushed into battle merely to obtain dirt. They gave their lives to get back a hill in Vietnam, Korea or Israel, a hill which may be returned to the enemy through peace negotiations twenty years later. Their costly efforts were futile, our labor is not in vain. We have a wonderful mandate. We have to shake off the fear of man. I often feel a flush of heat come to my face as I step into enemy territory to give out tracts or to preach. I don't find it easy, but the Bible says that, "the righteous are as bold as a lion:" I am righteous in Christ, therefore I am as bold as a lion! Sowing and Reeking Ministry Think of the fate of those the enemy has "taken captive by him to do his will." Soldier of Christ, while many of our brothers and sisters are content with "youth night," take a team and do a bar drop. Fill pits of darkness with the light of the Gospel. I find that I can put literature in a bar and be out the door in about two one door, out the other before they know what's going on. Many a hero has been gripped by fear as he blasted the enemy. If a hero wasn't fearful, then he's not a hero. Courage is to triumph over fear, not to be free of it. When I drop literature in a bar, half of me hates being there in the smoke, the smell of booze and the foul language, and the other half cries with compassion. Don't take any weak or soldiers who couldn't handle it. Those in this category can stay and intercede on your behalf. We can so easily lose sight of the fact that we are called to be fishers of men. I once ministered at a meeting where the pastor had broken free from tradition. He decided to have his meeting outside at the local botanical gardens, reminding us that the church is not the building, but the people. As the meeting began, I noticed two, obvious non-Christians, watching intently. I approached them and found out that one of them was a fisherman. We spoke about his work for a while, then he asked about the meeting. He wasn't at all interested and both of them began to walk away. I called after them, "Hey, I'm a fisherman too." At that, they immediately swung around and came back. They said, "And all the time we were going on about fishing, and you're an expert!" I said, "Yep...I've been fishing for over 12 years (and I've just got me a fish)." I was able to share with them that they pull fish to their death, but we pull men to life. A short time after that incident, our family was on a train for six hours, travelling through our native country of New Zealand. I felt that this was a good opportunity to spread some literature around the train. I waited for about three hours until I felt that the literature would provide a relief from boredom. As the guard walked past into the last carriage to take the tickets, I took courage, and got up from the seat with a pile of our papers in hand to cover the forward carriages. However, the last carriage proved to be empty and the guard came back about five seconds after I got up. I quickly sat back down on another seat, with a pile of papers in hand and gazed out the window. After he went, I handed out dozens of papers. As I sat down I wondered why I felt so nervous in the first place. People were glad of something to read. On our return trip, I was determined to do the same thing. We were in a carriage with about 40 American tourists, so I waited until I felt the time was right, ignored the hot flush and gave out the papers. Almost everyone took them. One lady was a Christian and came and sat with us for a time. I could hear the people talking about the paper. About an hour later, the Christian lady who had sat with us, returned to her seat, took out a mouth organ, and played, "How Great Thou Art." Then the train stopped for no apparent reason. A woman down the back gently began to sing, "It's no secret what God can do...what He's done for others, He will do for you..." It was so anointed, I am sure hearts were touched. God only knows what a work was done for eternity with that simple act of giving out Christian literature. In the eighties, I would often go frog and tadpole hunting with my children. On one occasion, I had made a dragnet which I would throw into the pond, being careful to avoid weed which sat in the center. A normal haul was five or six tadpoles and perhaps a small frog or two. After some time, I accidentally threw the net right onto a large piece of weed and pulled it to the shore. I was a little dismayed that this was going to be a rather messy haul, but to our delight, that one haul netted 86 tadpoles! I had been avoiding the place they had been frequenting! Most evangelicals stay clear of bars and other weedy places, yet that is where the fish gather. Throw your net into the dregs of humanity and you will gloat at the results. Sinners flock to bars, not church buildings. We have as much chance of getting sinners to visit church buildings, as we have of criminals visiting a police station. If we were policemen and business was down, we could chrome-plate the bars, put in carpet and air conditioning, with a notice out the front of our jail saying, "Tonight -- 7.00 p.m. -- all welcome," but still very few criminals would visit the police station. If business is down we have to apprehend law-breakers, and the same applies to evangelism. Our light shines most in the dark places. I was recently sitting in a plane when a woman sat next to me. She turned out to be a bar-owner from England. We spoke of natural things, then spiritual. I prayed that God would prepare the heart of the person who would sit by me, and He certainly did. The woman listened with both ears. I took her through the Commandments one by one, explaining our true state before God, as reflected in the mirror of His Law. Then I asked if she saw herself as a sinner in the sight of God. Her words were, "I do feel bad, after talking to you." Then we went through the cross and I had the joy of praying with her. I am convinced that she was soundly converted because there were no lights dimmed, no organ-playing, no twisting of the emotions; just a poor sinner asking God for mercy 32,000 feet above the ground. As we came in to land she said, "It is so ironic. I have had to travel 12,000 miles to be shown the right way. I feel a different person since we left the ground." I hope she never comes down. Brethren, there is no greater joy than to have God save someone through you. We've been bought with such a price, let's spend ourselves for Him who bought us. When it comes to doing something for the Kingdom of God, some people stop at nothing! I guess one of the hardest types of evangelism is "door to door." I feel conscious that the cults have so imposed on people's privacy, they have stolen our thunder. I had this thought in mind once when a woman opened her door to me. I said, in a sincere tone, "Hello, I'm not a Jehovah's Witness," and she said, "Well I am!" Despite the knock-backs, door-knocking is very rewarding. There will be the usual, "We've got our own religion, thank-you," the occasional door slam, and the faith-testing dog, but you will make valuable contacts, meet some lonely old saints who need encouragement, place seed in hearts, literature in homes, and reap if you faint not. For too long, the soldiers have remained in the barracks. Organize a combat battalion and go into the fields. Why stay as Private Barracks, when you can be a Field Marshall! Promotion does not come from the east or the west, but from the Lord. If you prove fearless and faithful, you will be honored with promotion. Pull out the pin of self-will, then place yourself as an evangelical hand-grenade into the hand of God. (For a survey for door to door evangelism, see the last pages of this publication). Back to Evangelism page