Smithworks' Bookstore
                                                        Books on Revival

Some of these books are out of print, but can be purchased used at Amazon.

I do not agree with everything in these books, but have found these authors and their books helpful.
Always search the Scriptures to see if what is written is true.



Evangelism       Prayer       Revival       Deeper Christian Life       Devotionals
Biographies       Men of Faith       Women of Faith       Healing & Spiritual Gifts       Christian Growth
Andrew Murray       Charles Finney       Kay Arthur       Gene Edwards       E.W. Kenyon


Lectures on Revival Lectures on Revival
Charles G. Finney

Revival Fire Revival Fire
Wesley Duewel

Azusa Street Azusa Street
Frank Bartleman

By My Spirit By My Spirit
Jonathan Goforth

Revival: Principles to Change the World Revival: Principles
to Change the World

Winkie Pratney

Eight Keys to Biblical Revival Eight Keys to
Biblical Revival

Lewis Drummond

Revival: A People Saturated With God Revival: A People
Saturated With God

Brian H. Edwards

Revival Revival
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Glory Filled the Land: A Trilogy on the Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 Glory Filled the Land
H. Elvet Lewis
G. Campbell Morgan
I.V. Neprash

I Saw the Welsh Revival I Saw the Welsh Revival
David Matthews

The Great Revival in Wales The Great Revival
in Wales

S. B. Shaw

The Awakening in Wales The Awakening
in Wales

Jessie Penn-Lewis

Why Revival Tarries Why Revival Tarries
Leonard Ravenhill

Revival Praying Revival Praying
Leonard Ravenhill

Sodom Had No Bible Sodom Had
No Bible

Leonard Ravenhill

Revival God's Way Revival God's Way
Leonard Ravenhill

Revival Praying Revival Praying
Leonard Ravenhill

America Is Too Young To Die America Is Too
Young To Die

Leonard Ravenhill

Tried and Transfigured Tried and Transfigured
Leonard Ravenhill

Meat for Men Meat For Men
Leonard Ravenhill

In the Day of Thy Power In the Day
of Thy Power

Arthur Wallis

The Coming Revival The Coming Revival
Bill Bright

Preparing for the Coming Revival Preparing for the
Coming Revival

Bill Bright

The Transforming Power of Fasting The Transforming
Power of Fasting

Bill Bright
Bill McCartney

Fresh Encounter Fresh Encounter
Henry T. Blackaby

How to Prepare for the Coming Revival How to Prepare
for the Coming Revival

Richard Booker

High-Voltage Christianity High-Voltage Christianity
Michael L. Brown

The End of the American Gospel Enterprise The End of the
American Gospel Enterprise

Michael L. Brown

Whatever Happened to the Power of God Whatever Happened to
the Power of God

Michael L. Brown


Prayer                 Deeper Christian Life

