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Smithworks made its first appearance in 1997. It was first archived by the WayBackMachine in December 1998. It was a site shared by my brother and me. He designed the SmithWorks above. However, he stopped updating his side, so I took over, and have controlled it ever since.

This site originally hosted the very first copy of Ray Comfort's Hell's Best Kept Secret, Paris Reidhead's Ten Shekels and a Shirt, David Davies' The Congo Revival, Gladys Aylward's Testimony and Challenge, C.L. Culpepper's The Shantung Revival, and Martyn Lloyd-Jones' The Glory of God messages ever posted online (all in RealAudio!).

When the site was first created, there were many plans for it, but life got in the way, and the site was never fully developed. However, through the years, people would comment on it, so I never got rid of it. At one point, it showed up in the Top Ten of Google searches, but it's fallen way down. So if you find this site, and helps you in any way, I'm glad.

I continue to pray for God's richest blessings on all who visit this site.

God bless,