The Prayer of a D.C.D.
Lord Jesus, King of Calvary!
Conqueror of the grave!
Forgive me, cleanse me, save me, Lord!
Enrol me as Thy slave.
O Holy Ghost, inflame my heart, Then pierce and make it whole: Crucify each base desire, And resurrect my soul. |
Had I the choice of life of death, I’d rather die than live; How else can I reveal my love, I’ve buy my life to give. |
Lord Jesus Christ, dwell in my heart, Yea, occupy the whole; E’er since I knew Thy mighty love Fierce passion fills my soul. |
And yet I dread to die, for death Must part me from the Cross. But there my heart is nailed to Thine; Such life is love, not loss. |
Lord! Lover! Who didst die for me. I live when Then I see; For Thee I die to all the world, Yet live triumphantly. |
Hence would I live eternally On earth, yet daily die: For only daily death for Thee My soul can satisfy. |
Lord, clothe me in Thy blood stained robe— Soft raiment I abhor: Pain or death shall only make My passion rage the more. |
They one time called me H.A.M. . . . But now I’m D.C.D., Which means I’m dead to all the world, And only live to Thee. |
I cannot live without Thee, Lord, In Thee I must abide; How can I crucify my heard And dies a From every earthly tie; And "C" means Christ, my King of Love, For Whom I’ll live and die. |
Behold me prostrate at Thy feet! Lord, may I bear Thy name? Then must Thou hide me in Thy heart Lest I should cause Thee shame. |
With Him I death and Hell defy, And fight to die and win, To spread thro’ all the earth His Name, And dam the curse of sin. |
Tune:"Jesus, Thine All-Victorious Love."
D.C.D. Intro | Seven Reasons |
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